Group head

Dr. Swati Ghosh Acharyya 

Ph.D. (Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai, India),


School of Engineering Sciences and Technology (SEST),

University of Hyderabad,

GachiBowli, Hyderabad-500046, Telangana, India.


Research Interests

  • Corrosion and Surface engineering;
  • Electrochemistry of materials
  • corrosion-resistant, wear-resistant, hydrophobic, high-temperature resistant coatings
  • Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of stainless steel and its control
  • Graphene synthesis using LASER ablation
  • Detection of Heavy metal ions in water and its remediation.
  • Bio-based polymer coatings


Professor (2nd August 2023 onwards) in the School of Engineering Sciences and Technology, University of Hyderabad, India. Nature of duties: Teaching post graduate and PhD students, research in frontier areas of Materials Science and Engineering 

Associate Professor (2nd January 2020 -1st August 2023) in the School of Engineering Sciences and Technology, University of Hyderabad, India. Nature of duties: Teaching post graduate and PhD students, research in frontier areas of Materials Science and Engineering

Assistant Professor (20 September, 2013 -1st January 2020) in School of Engineering Sciences and Technology, University of Hyderabad, India. Nature of duties: Teaching post graduate and PhD students, research in frontier areas of Materials Science and Engineering

Scientific Officer (1 September, 2007 – 19 September, 2013), Corrosion Science Section, Materials Science Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai, India. Nature of duties: Actively engaged in materials research especially on corrosion of different alloys used for fabrication of structural components in nuclear power plants.


  • Chancellor’s Award, 2023
  • ‘Women in excellence award in Materials Engineering’ by DST-SERB, 2020
  • Young Associate of Indian National Academy of Engineers (INAE), 2018.
  • Young engineer award by INAE, Corrosion Science and Engineering, 2018.
  • IEI Young engineer award 2018-2019 for Metallurgical engineering.
  • ‘Visiting Fellow,’ University of Southampton 2015, Project: Optimisation of nano activated carbon particles by studying textile/ electrode interface using high-end microscopic characterization using AFM and SEM.
  • Best Ph.D. thesis award in Corrosion Science, 2012 by the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) for the thesis „Effect of Surface Working Operations on Electrochemical Corrosion and Susceptibility to Stress Corrosion Cracking of 304L Stainless Steel‟.
  • Second prize in oral presentation in the category of Metal Sciences at NMD-ATM (National Metallurgist Day and Annual Technical Meeting) 2011 held at Hyderabad from November 13-16, 2011.
  • ‘Best paper award’ in CORCON 2011 (Corrosion Conference) in Electrical Power and Utility Category, held in Mumbai from September 23-29, 2011.
  • Corrosion awareness award conferred upon by National association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) for the best M. Tech dissertation in 2007 for the thesis titled ‘Stainless steels with Plasma sprayed ceramic coating: Corrosion behavior of the system and crack initiation resistance of the sensitized substrate’
  • First prize in oral presentation at COMPOSIT-2007 organized by IIT Kharagpur
  • G. S. Tendulkar Award, 2006, for the best overall presentation by The Indian Institute of Metals at NMD-ATM (National Metallurgist Day and Annual Technical Meeting) 2006.
  • First prize in oral presentation, in iron and steel section by The Indian Institute of Metals at NMD-ATM (National Metallurgist Day and Annual Technical Meeting) 2006.
  • DAE Graduate Fellow of Bhabha Atomic Research Center , 2005 for sponsored M. Tech at IIT Kharagpur.


  • LASER assisted bulk synthesis of graphene through green route from graphite in a single step at ambient temperature and pressure;
  • Fabrication of graphene-based corrosion resistant, wear-resistant, hydrophobic, high-temperature resistant coatings for protecting metallic surfaces.
  • Surface engineering for improving the resistance to austenitic stainless steel grade AISI 304L, AISI 316L and AISI 321 SS welds to SCC in presence of chloride ions.
  • Corrosion behaviour of dissimilar alloy MIG welds of mild steel-Al alloy 6061. LASER –arc hybrid welding of thick sections of maraging steels.
  • Fabrication of novel Ti-Nb alloys with enhanced wear resistance for biomedical implant application
  • Stress corrosion cracking of stainless steel, (a) Effect of LASER surface peening, buffing on SCC resistance of stainless steel and nickel base alloys, (b) establishing the mechanism of SCC in surface worked austenitic stainless steel, c) Effect of residual stresses on the ambient temperature SCC of non-sensitized 304L SS and 316L SS.
  • Extensive hands on experience on advanced micro structural characterisation techniques such as Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and advanced electrochemical surface imaging technique such as Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM) in addition to conventional electrochemical testing like cyclic voltammetry and impedance spectroscopy.
  • In situ studies of the semi conducting nature of the surface film formed on 304L stainless steel as a result of different surface working operations at high temperature (300°C) and pressure (10 MPa) was carried out by contact electric resistance (CER) and controlled distance electrochemistry (CDE) technique


Our Group has published in National, International journals and reputed conference proceedings




